Simpleza sillinessLa simpleza de esa mujer me molesta.That woman’s silliness annoys me. ▲ silly thingEse hombre no hace más que simplezas.That man’s all the time doing foolish things. ▲ trifleRiñeron por una simpleza.They quarreled over a trifle. Semejante similarLas dos historias son muy semejantes.The two stories are very similar. ▲ suchNo creo en semejante cosa.Don’t believe such a factor. ▲ fellow-manPiense que son sus semejantes.Remember that they’re your fellow-men. Sabor style, flavorEl sabor de este vino es delicioso.The taste of this wine is delicious.

▲ heavyLa lluvia period muy fuerte.The rainfall was very heavy. ▲ harsh, unbearableLo que le dijo fué demasiado fuerte.What she told him was too harsh. ▲ loudHabla demasiado fuerte.He speaks too loud. Fijo permanentSu puesto no es fijo.His job isn’t permanent. ▲ mounted, setNo hacemos rebajas, nuestros precios son fijos.We do not make reductions; our prices are fixed.

° desmentirse to take back, retractDespués de haberlo dicho trató de desmentirse.After he had stated it, he tried to take it back. Desembocar to move, or empty, intoEse río desemboca en el Pacífico.That river flows into the Pacific. ▲ to end, leadNo sé donde desemboca esa calle.I do not know where that street leads. Derribar to demolish, tear downHan derribado muchas casas viejas.Many old homes have been torn down.

Pass the time away¿Cómo pasaremos el rato? ° pasar lista to name the rollDentro de un momento pasarán lista.In a second they’re going to call the roll. ° pasarlo bien to have a good timeLa otra noche lo pasamos muy bien.We had a very good time the opposite night time. ° pasar por alto to skip, overlookPasé por alto esa página.I skipped that web page. ° pasarse to go overSe pasó al partido contrario.He went over to the opposite get together. ▲ to slide one’s mind¡Se me pasó completamente!

It was the music “Paciencia y Fe” with Olga Merediz, who plays Abuela Claudia, and who reprised her Tony-nominated position for the large screen. She additionally options in other songs, however the track in question offers audiences what Screen Rant calls a “true showcase of Olga Merediz’s powerhouse talent”. Wang Yi is certainly one of China’s most distinguished protestant pastors, a renowned human rights advocate, and a church motion chief. While an important dance is together with your one-and-only, the mother-son and the father-daughter dance are additionally big moments of the night. These super-sweet Spanish wedding ceremony songs may have everyone tearing up.

Conforme asTodo queda conforme estaba.Everything remains because it was. —Conforme leía, más me interesaba.As I was studying, I grew to become extra fascinated. ° conforme a in accordance with, in line withConforme a su petición. ° estar conforme con to be resigned toEstá conforme con su suerte.He’s resigned to his destiny.

A red man, and bearded woman salute them three leagues off. An Ass that will get into another mans floor comes back laden with wood, viz. If thou desirest to be fats, eat with hunger, and drink leisurely. If thou desirest to be sick, wash thy head, and fall asleep.

If the Countrey-man knew the goodness of a Hen in Ianuary, he would depart none in the roost. One egge is niggardliness, two is gentleness, three is valour, the fourth is knavery. He who breaks not his fast in May, let him recommend him∣self to the dead. When thy piss is of the florins color, a fig for the Physician. Yesterdayes bread, and this dayes flesh, wine of the year pass’t brings health. Make night time evening, and day day, so thou mayst sing well-a-day.

Sign up for premium, and you’ll play other person’s audio/video answers. Can ask all types of common questions and can perceive longer solutions. Has issue understanding even brief answers in this language. This work is within the public area within the United States because it’s a work of the United States federal authorities (see 17 U.S.C. 105). Vigilia fast, abstaining from meals for non secular reasons; wakefulness. ° de veras in truth, actually, truthfully ¡Ahora va de veras!

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